PSRule module for Azure DevOps projects released for feedback
I have been a long time user of Azure DevOps and I have been using the Microsoft PSRule module for checking my Bicep templates for quite a while now. I like the flexible rule engine allowing to check for a wide range of issues. Now I have developed a PSRule module for checking Azure DevOps projects for common configuration issues. The module is available on GitHub and can be installed from the PowerShell Gallery.
Please note it is in early stage of development so I am very much looking forward to your feedback and contributions.
Using the module
To use this module, you need to have PSRule installed. You can install it from the PowerShell Gallery:
Install-Module -Name PSRule -Scope CurrentUser
Once you have PSRule installed, you can install this module from the PowerShell Gallery:
Install-Module -Name PSRule.Rules.AzureDevOps -Scope CurrentUser
Once you have both modules installed, you can run an export of your Azure DevOps project and run the rules against it. The -PAT
value needs to be an Azure DevOps Personal Access Token with sufficient permissions to read the project data.
Export-AzDevOpsRuleData `
-Organization "MyOrg" `
-Project "MyProject" `
-OutputPath "C:\Temp\MyProject"
Assert-PSRule `
-InputPath "C:\Temp\MyProject" `
-Module PSRule.Rules.AzureDevOps